To always remain independent.
We work for you and only you. With no financial ties to any product or service provider, we review the market periodically to ensure that the advice we provide remains suitable and continues to deliver market leading value.
To provide value for money.
We charge fees for the advice we provide, but will only work with you as a client if we believe we can add value and improve your financial situation.
To provide advice to the many and not the few.
We think everyone should benefit from access to great financial planning, which is why we offer a wide range of services which are appropriate to a wide range of clients.
To keep improving our tech.
Smart phones mean you have the world at your fingertips. Access to your investments should be no different. With our free financial portal, you can access your investments from anywhere at anytime.
To be available.
You can communicate with us via a variety of methods including video conferencing, providing much more access to the Next Chapter team.
To acknowledge our mistakes.
At times mistakes happen, and that’s why you have our assurance that is something goes wrong we will inform you straight away and make sure you are not financially disadvantaged.